Safe Snake Removal Services – Professional Wildlife Removal Columbia SC

Don’t risk a snake bite – if you see or suspect a snake is in your home, let our professional animal control technicians handle it!

Professional Snake Control

While the majority of snakes are harmless, South Carolina is home to a few highly venomous species that need to be handled with extreme care. Our technicians have the training and tools to safely evict the snake.

How We Remove Snakes

Area Inspection

The snake removal process begins with a thorough inspection, looking for signs of snake activity and identifying how they are gaining access to your home.

Snake Removal

If visible, our animal control technicians will use snake tongs to safely capture and remove your problem snake. Otherwise, we will deploy snake traps or snake repellent.

Snake Relocation & Exclusion

After capture, the snake will be relocated and the holes which the snake used to gain access to your home will be sealed up to prevent future infestation.

What You Get When You Choose Jeffcoat Pest Control


Effective & Humane Wildlife Removal

We love the diversity of wildlife found in the Carolina Midlands – but we want to see these animals living out in their native ecosystems, not in our homes! Our experienced technicians ensure these critters are safely and humanely evicted from your property .


Fast Results, Less Waiting

Your time is valuable and we respect that! When you work with Jeffcoat Pest Control you’ll get punctual service and great results. Our animal control services resolve your wildlife issues quickly, letting you go back to enjoying your home!


Real Customer Service

When you call Jeffcoat Pest Control you’ll be speaking with one of our professional office staff – not a robot and not a call-center overseas. We are committed to providing you with amazing customer service alongside our outstanding pest control solutions.

The Midlands’ Preferred Exterminator Service

From home termite treatments to commercial pest control, Midlands residents trust Jeffcoat Pest Control:

About Jeffcoat Pest Control

Brandon Jeffcoat, the founder of Jeffcoat Pest Control, has been providing pest management services and termite control to Columbia area homeowners and business owners for over 15 years. While the business name may have changed, Brandon’s customer-service focused approach and commitment to training and professionalism remain the same as ever!

How did snakes get into my home?

Snakes do not make holes in structures, and so if you have a snake inside of your attic or walls then it found its way there through an existing hole.

Our technicians will find and seal their entry point, as well as check for signs of a rodent infestation. Oftentimes, snakes enter our homes in search of a meal because a rodent population has already taken up residence!

What are common snakes in and around Columbia, SC?

There are 36 different species of snake native to South Carolina, thirty of which are non-venomous.

Common Non-venomous snakes:

  • Black racer
  • Eastern coachwhip
  • Rough earth snake
  • Eastern garter snake
  • Rat snake
  • Venomous snakes:
  • Copperhead
  • Eastern diamondback rattlesnake
  • Cottonmouth (also known as water moccasin)
  • Timber rattlesnake
  • Pygmy rattlesnake

Of these venomous species, only the copperhead and diamondback are relatively common. The others are native to the region but are rarely encountered. In coastal regions you may encounter the coral snake – but these snakes are not found in the Midlands.

Rather than focussing on snake identification, we recommend that homeowners contact a professional snake removal service.

What are some signs of a snake problem?

The two most common signs of snakes are:

  • Physical Sightings: The most obvious sign of a snake problem is actually seeing a snake in your yard, home, or property.
  • Shed Skins: Snakes shed their skin as they grow, so finding snake skins around your property is a sign that snakes are present. Check places like basements, garages, and other secluded areas where snakes might like to hide.

Contact Us

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